1. "Antes de iniciar una RELACION con alguien, asegúrate de
tener una buena RELACION contigo mismo!"
2, "Una RELACION la determina lo que hay en el CORAZON!"
3. "Las RELACIONES se construyen Y nutren a base de
DEPOSITOS pequeños Y constantes de... TIEMPO!"
4. "PERDONAR a aquél que te ha herido es quitarle el PODER
que tiene sobre tu vida!"
5. "Los negocios no sólo son intercambio de bienes también
6. "Algunas personas llegan a tu vida como una BENDICION
otras llegan como una LECCION!'
Twitter: @rickymarrolec
Monday, July 18, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
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Saturday, April 30, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
One of the chapters of the book "Good to Great" from Jim Collins called "Buildup and Breakthrough" said that the flywheel image captures the overall feel of anybody of what it was, like inside the companies, that when goes from Good to Great.
I would like to point it out according Collins. Good to Great, isn't that an awesome statement?
Good to Great. Don't you think that a high percentage of people com;y themselves in "to do things good" and stay there all the time? Felling that that is enough... To be good is what the traditional education always tough us. Be good... Be as good as you can... Make good... You have to change things from bad to good... and so on. Good is the last parameter of comparison you have to go and the last high step of being in the world, for your family, for the environment and behavior, the high measurement that you have to accomplished. Be a Good wife or husband, be a good worker, be a good citizen, be a good in everything is society well behavior. But that is now bad, that is good, but you are going to stay just being good, why don't we go any further?,,
And I am 100 percent agree... as Collin said: "Good is the enemy of Great" this is the biggest and brilliant statment to go forward your goals. Don't you think?
Let me analyze some points. Those words, at the light of the what Mike Dillard said tithe his brilliant teachins of attraction marketing are enlightening. Maybe you think that this two don't match... could be, but I am talking about where those two are connected. Both are connect by the Human Being. Yes, we are talking about human being, both are based on the behavior of human being. One applied to the behavior within the company and the other about the behavior that makes a person attractive to others.
As you see both are taking about human behavior.. they are talking about psychological involvement in the action of humans.
When Mike ask himself "why do people become famous?" his is taking about peole, about human beings.
When Collin said "Good to great comes by accumulative process-step-by-step, action, decision by decision, turn by turn of the flywheel - that adds to sustained and spectacular results.at what he is goiong to share with us is at the core of Human-to Human attaction.
How you got to that result? He daid that Attraction is not a choice...and we ask..what it is then?
"The answer lies in basic human psychology..." period.
He said that "It's a biological/instinctual trigger that involved millions of years to help keep you alive..."
The same that create companies, the survival instinct that has being engrained in us, ...they cannot survive on their own, so we be formed trusting groups and families.
Taking the distances..aren't we talking about the same thing?
Mike said as Collin that you are going through a process of moving from a follower, to an up-and-coming leader to a reccognized leader... step-by-step.
"Belief always comes before results" and that is what we are looking forward.
Belief leads to certain actions and behaviors.
Those actios and behaviors will give dedication, time, and affirmation, those actions and behaviors will turn you into the type of person you need to be in order to generate the results you seek as Mike says.
Collins give an example of a successful company that have being growing step-by-step and he pointed basically it importance. How it look from the outside, it look like dramatic, almost revolutionary breakthroug. But from the inside, it fells completely different, more like an organic development process, .
It;s an analogy, granted.. is using it to highlight a very important finding., the one big thing, the miracle moment that defined breakthroug. It was a whole bunck of interlocking pieces that build one upon another.e lasting transformations from Good to Great follow a general pattern to buildup followed by breakthrough. He said that in some times, the buildup-to-breakthrough stage takes a long time, in other cases, a shorter time.
But, finally it doesn't matter how short or long it takes, every Good-to-Great transformation followed the same basic pattern - accumulating momentum, turn by turn, of the flywheel... until build-up transformed into breakthrough. That is true " The Good is the enemy of the Great."
I would like to point it out according Collins. Good to Great, isn't that an awesome statement?
Good to Great. Don't you think that a high percentage of people com;y themselves in "to do things good" and stay there all the time? Felling that that is enough... To be good is what the traditional education always tough us. Be good... Be as good as you can... Make good... You have to change things from bad to good... and so on. Good is the last parameter of comparison you have to go and the last high step of being in the world, for your family, for the environment and behavior, the high measurement that you have to accomplished. Be a Good wife or husband, be a good worker, be a good citizen, be a good in everything is society well behavior. But that is now bad, that is good, but you are going to stay just being good, why don't we go any further?,,
And I am 100 percent agree... as Collin said: "Good is the enemy of Great" this is the biggest and brilliant statment to go forward your goals. Don't you think?
Let me analyze some points. Those words, at the light of the what Mike Dillard said tithe his brilliant teachins of attraction marketing are enlightening. Maybe you think that this two don't match... could be, but I am talking about where those two are connected. Both are connect by the Human Being. Yes, we are talking about human being, both are based on the behavior of human being. One applied to the behavior within the company and the other about the behavior that makes a person attractive to others.
As you see both are taking about human behavior.. they are talking about psychological involvement in the action of humans.
When Mike ask himself "why do people become famous?" his is taking about peole, about human beings.
When Collin said "Good to great comes by accumulative process-step-by-step, action, decision by decision, turn by turn of the flywheel - that adds to sustained and spectacular results.at what he is goiong to share with us is at the core of Human-to Human attaction.
How you got to that result? He daid that Attraction is not a choice...and we ask..what it is then?
"The answer lies in basic human psychology..." period.
He said that "It's a biological/instinctual trigger that involved millions of years to help keep you alive..."
The same that create companies, the survival instinct that has being engrained in us, ...they cannot survive on their own, so we be formed trusting groups and families.
Taking the distances..aren't we talking about the same thing?
Mike said as Collin that you are going through a process of moving from a follower, to an up-and-coming leader to a reccognized leader... step-by-step.
"Belief always comes before results" and that is what we are looking forward.
Belief leads to certain actions and behaviors.
Those actios and behaviors will give dedication, time, and affirmation, those actions and behaviors will turn you into the type of person you need to be in order to generate the results you seek as Mike says.
Collins give an example of a successful company that have being growing step-by-step and he pointed basically it importance. How it look from the outside, it look like dramatic, almost revolutionary breakthroug. But from the inside, it fells completely different, more like an organic development process, .
It;s an analogy, granted.. is using it to highlight a very important finding., the one big thing, the miracle moment that defined breakthroug. It was a whole bunck of interlocking pieces that build one upon another.e lasting transformations from Good to Great follow a general pattern to buildup followed by breakthrough. He said that in some times, the buildup-to-breakthrough stage takes a long time, in other cases, a shorter time.
But, finally it doesn't matter how short or long it takes, every Good-to-Great transformation followed the same basic pattern - accumulating momentum, turn by turn, of the flywheel... until build-up transformed into breakthrough. That is true " The Good is the enemy of the Great."
Be ready to understand the power of focus is in your mind. You have to determine that you will be "in focus" to get the attention ready to learn what you are watching or reading.
How many books, CD's, webinars, forums, and seminars have you gained knowledge from?
You gain knowledge when you set up your mind, body and environment to be focus on what you are learning.
But not only you have to set up your mind, body or environment in focus, also you have to train your mind to apply the principles you have learned.
we ask ourselves, where do we focus our energy on?
What should I just totally ignore? What if I ignore the good stuff and focus on the wrong stuff? Where we are going to go? That will be a total disaster!!
Many people said that the knowledge is power, but the statement is not completed. Yes, knowledge is power but power comes from apply it with true focus.
Be ready to plug into some of the most cutting edge training that will take you to the next level of leadership. Learn, but focus in apply the knowledge.
Remember that we are living in a community and that is for the well of the whole community. We have to be focus and apply knowledge as we learn, and as one said it has not historically been a good guarantor of longevity.
The more we be in focus and apply the knowledge the longevity will be seal by ourselves in the industry. The fact is that shared interest can now create that longevity and it what makes the current change historic.
This is the secret of the open source ecosystem and, by extension, of all the large-scale and long-live forms of sharing, collaborative work, and collective action now being tried. Because anyone can try anything, the projects that fail, fail quick, but the people working on those projects can migrate just as quickly to the things that are visible working.
According to Clay Shirky in his book, 'Here Comes Everybody' he said that unlike the business landscape, they can have, in comparison with the companies, an incentive to hide both successes one for competitive advantage, and failure, the other perception of weakness, he open source projects advertise their successes and get failure for free.
This is just what happens when we don't focus on applied the knowledge we will get the failure for free. Also he said that the open source movement teaches us is that the communal can be at least as durable as the commercial.
But that is what we don't want to happens. He asked... 'Do the people who like it take care of each other?' and that turns out to be a better predicted of success than 'What is the business model?' And the really thing is that as the rest of the world gets access to the tools one reserved for the techies, that pattern is appearing everywhere, and it is changing society as it does.
This is the true secret of what should be our behavior to focus on the new method that is present in front of our eyes and if we do not apply the knowledge will stay in the space. We have to download it to our mind, body and environment so we can say afterwards, yes, I learned because I was 'in FOCUS'.
This is really a reflection of how we have to act when you are learning from training. Most of the people don't learn what they are supposed to because they are not focus, really focus on the knowledge.
Piedad Montes de Oca
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Piedad_Montes_De_Oca
How many books, CD's, webinars, forums, and seminars have you gained knowledge from?
You gain knowledge when you set up your mind, body and environment to be focus on what you are learning.
But not only you have to set up your mind, body or environment in focus, also you have to train your mind to apply the principles you have learned.
we ask ourselves, where do we focus our energy on?
What should I just totally ignore? What if I ignore the good stuff and focus on the wrong stuff? Where we are going to go? That will be a total disaster!!
Many people said that the knowledge is power, but the statement is not completed. Yes, knowledge is power but power comes from apply it with true focus.
Be ready to plug into some of the most cutting edge training that will take you to the next level of leadership. Learn, but focus in apply the knowledge.
Remember that we are living in a community and that is for the well of the whole community. We have to be focus and apply knowledge as we learn, and as one said it has not historically been a good guarantor of longevity.
The more we be in focus and apply the knowledge the longevity will be seal by ourselves in the industry. The fact is that shared interest can now create that longevity and it what makes the current change historic.
This is the secret of the open source ecosystem and, by extension, of all the large-scale and long-live forms of sharing, collaborative work, and collective action now being tried. Because anyone can try anything, the projects that fail, fail quick, but the people working on those projects can migrate just as quickly to the things that are visible working.
According to Clay Shirky in his book, 'Here Comes Everybody' he said that unlike the business landscape, they can have, in comparison with the companies, an incentive to hide both successes one for competitive advantage, and failure, the other perception of weakness, he open source projects advertise their successes and get failure for free.
This is just what happens when we don't focus on applied the knowledge we will get the failure for free. Also he said that the open source movement teaches us is that the communal can be at least as durable as the commercial.
But that is what we don't want to happens. He asked... 'Do the people who like it take care of each other?' and that turns out to be a better predicted of success than 'What is the business model?' And the really thing is that as the rest of the world gets access to the tools one reserved for the techies, that pattern is appearing everywhere, and it is changing society as it does.
This is the true secret of what should be our behavior to focus on the new method that is present in front of our eyes and if we do not apply the knowledge will stay in the space. We have to download it to our mind, body and environment so we can say afterwards, yes, I learned because I was 'in FOCUS'.
This is really a reflection of how we have to act when you are learning from training. Most of the people don't learn what they are supposed to because they are not focus, really focus on the knowledge.
Piedad Montes de Oca
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Piedad_Montes_De_Oca
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